

Reaktion på Christiania aftale

Kulturen på P1 (Live interview), August 29th, 2022

Christiania har sagt ja til ny aftale ... hvad med integrationen?

Hvad sker der når et samfunds størrelse stiger næsten 50% - fra 650 til 950? Hvad betyder det for kulturen og kan hvordan integreres så mange nye? 

En kombination af jura, analysere potentiale og kapacitet, skarp rekruttering og dialog med kommunen... lige nu er alt spekulation 

Live interview med Jiesper Strandsbjerg Tristan Pedersen i P1

Energy transition

June 20th, 2022

Will security concerns drive a faster energy transition in Europe?

Energy supply has always been a key security concern. Yet, over the last few months, the Russia-Ukraine war has emerged as a possible driver for a faster transition toward a more resilient and clean energy system.

#EnergyChallenge #PoliticalFocus #EnergyTransition

By: Jiesper Pedersen, Carla Gomes and Filipe Duarte Santos

Debat: Reaktion på COP26

KlimaMonitor: November 16th, 2021

Manglende klimafinansiering er ikke alene et moralsk problem. Det skaber også problemer for os selv

En kombination af øgede nationale ambitioner og mere klimafinansiering er nødvendig, skriver Jiesper Strandsbjerg Tristan Pedersen, Universitetet i Lissabon, i et debatindlæg.

#InternationalClimateNegotiations #COP26 #ClimateJistice

Debat: Sustainable Fashion 

KlimaMonitor: October 18th, 2021

Ironisk nok praler de mest bæredygtige ikke, mens forurenerne greenwasher. Det burde være omvendt

De mest bæredygtige tekstilvirksomheder har forstået, at man ikke bare kan bruge økologisk bomuld, og så er problemerne løst. De store tekstilkoncerner greenwasher omvendt i stor stil. 

#marketing #GreenWashing #SupplyChain

By Laila Stephanie Mowla og Jiesper Strandsbjerg Pedersen

Debat: Bæredygtig markedsføring 

KlimaMonitor: August 9th, 2021

Virksomheder kan lige så godt droppe at bruge ordet 'klimavenlig'

Det er både hot og god publicity i bæredygtig markedsføring, men både virksomheder og politikere bør få bedre styr på terminologien.

#SustainableMarketing #greenwashing

By Jiesper Pedersen

COP26, Glasgow

News from the COP26 climate conference (Glasgow)

Scientific Blog (ICS): November 18th, 2022

Is Glasgow COP26 a new Copenhagen, overlooking the countries in most need?

“The most hectic COP since Paris”, said the Kenyan delegation last week. Several promising things evolved from the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. But a 29-year conflict remains unsolved, which is a key to entering the 1.5 °C pathway?

#InternationalClimateNegotiations #UNFCCC #COP26 #ClimateJistice

Is Paris Targeting the Right Emissions?

Scientific Blog (ICS):  Feb 10th, 2021

The Paris Agreement is based on scientific assessments and political interests.

The scenarios guiding the countries' emissions and the United Nations emissions inventories create an advantage to Europe and the US (consuming goods) compared to countries overtaking material production, e.g., India and China.

#ClimateJustice #COP21 #ParisAgreeement

By: Jiesper Pedersen

Reconsidering Paris emissions? The historical global carbon emissions hide underlying regional trends

Scientific Blog (Springer-Nature), Nov 11th, 2020

Behind the Paper (see scientific paper)

The Paris Agreement favors rich countries. As global carbon emissions, the past 30 years track close to the middle of scenario ranges, this development covers regional differences and trends which need further examination - and may have policy implications.

#ClimateJustice #UNnegotiations #COP21

By: Jiesper Pedersen